Thursday, April 13, 2006

The SAGRES off Lisbon

Part of the fun associated with my interest in ships is photography, and quite often I do photograph ships in Lisbon. Some are scheduled with days in advance, while others just show up by chance.
Yesterday while photographing cruise ships I was lucky to notice the Portuguese Navy sail training ship SAGRES crossing the Tagus bar and sailing past Lisbon in her way to the Alfeite Naval base. It was worth the wait as some nice pictures turned out with Lisbon in the foreground.
The pride of the Portuguese Navy and of Maritime Portugal, the SAGRES is internationally recognized as an icon in contemporary maritime history. She has been depicted in countless books worldwide and travelled the four corners of our planet showing the colours of Portugal in its best form.
Once in Paris I looked into a bookshop and at the front window there she was: my SAGRES in the covers of two magnificent books. They have been part of my library ever since…

Copyright words and photos by Luís Miguel Correia –12 April 2006

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