Thursday, August 03, 2006


The launching of the former Portuguese flagship INFANTE DOM HENRIQUE in 1960 at Hoboken, near Antwerp (Copyright photograph from the Luís Miguel Correia collection)

Portugal is by tradition one of the oldest maritime countries in Europe and the Lisbon Maritime Museum shows that tradition to a level of excellence.
One of the proudest chapters of contemporary Portuguese maritime history deals with the countries' passenger ship fleet.
An exhibition dedicated to the Portuguese passenger liners of the past has just opened at the Lisbon Maritime Museum. It covers the history of those great ships over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, from the first steamers to the large express liners of the nineteen sixties and includes photographs, memorabilia and furniture from the ships, models, etc...
A must for those interested in the subject, so perhaps now it is time for a visit to Lisbon and its maritime museum.

Luís Miguel Correia - 2006

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