Monday, March 12, 2007

486 visitor today

I am delighted to say that today we have already registered 486 visitors, more than twice our average visit figures. Thanks for the interest in SHIPS AND THE SEA...

Fico feliz por registar aqui o facto de hoje o BLOGUE DOS NAVIOS E DO MAR já ter registado no contador 486 visitantes até às 12h45. Obrigado a todos e viva o Mar e os Navios...

Agradecimento e imagem de Luís Miguel Correia - 12 Março 2007


  1. Our interest as readers and fans of SHIPS & THE SEA derives from the fact that the blog is accurate, dayly updated, interesting and very useful. It has always beautiful photographs and interesting facts and figures about Great Ships in the World, especially the Portuguese ones!!!

    Keep up the Excellent Work, Mate!...

  2. Sailor Girl,
    You are very kind but I feel that more than the interest in the shipping matters I use to post here, what people really enjoy in this blog is to read your comments and see your nice picture, eheheheh.

    And I can only be grateful for all your care and assistance...

