Friday, March 16, 2007


The old Portuguese passenger liner INFANTE DOM HENRIQUE laid up at Mar da Palha, off Lisbon in 1976 after she was withdrawn from service on 3 January 1976 by CTM at the end of her New Year's Cruise to Madeira 1975-76. Photo taken from the motor tug MUTELA.
O antigo paquete português INFANTE DOM HENRIQUE fotografado em 1976, imobilizado no Mar da Palha, em frente a Lisboa após ter sido retirado do serviço activo pela CTM em 3-01-1976, quando terminou em Lisboa o cruzeiro de Fim de Ano à Madeira de 1975-76. Fotografia tirada de bordo do rebocador MUTELA.
Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Thanks for your visit and comments. You are most welcome at any time - Luís Miguel Correia

1 comment:

  1. «Last night I had
    The strangest dream
    I'd never had before,
    I dreamt the Ministers
    had all agreed
    To rebuild ships that we adore.

    I dreamt I saw
    A mighty Ship
    And the Ship was named Infante,
    And the people in
    the decks and ball rooms
    Were dancing hand in hand!»

    To INFANTE D. HENRIQUE, with Love
