Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Naviera Armas new RoPax Ferry service Canary Isles - Madeira - Algarve

Naviera Armas the Spanish ferry company based at Las Palmas has just announced a new service for the summer months of 2008 with their brand new VOLCAN DE TIJARAFE: a weekly voyage from Las Palmas (Friday departures), to Funchal, Madeira (Saturday calls), and Portimão (Sunday) in the Algarve and back. The service runs from June up to September.
The VOLCAN DE TIJARAFE arrived at Viana do Castelo for final fitting out and drydocking on 6th March. She is being built by Hijos de Barreras Shipyard in Vigo. The 20.000 GT ship will operate with a reduced pax capacity of 800 passengers for the voyages. Photograph by Luís Daniel Malheiro do Vale from the PILOT BOAT blog.
Texto /Text by L. M. Correia. Photo copyright L. D. Malheiro do Vale. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Já estou a ver que o L. D. Malheiro do Vale também tem, tal como tu, "jeitinho" para os "barquinhos"! Que categoria de imagens neste blogue... como sempre!
