Monday, November 03, 2008


The cruise ship OCEAN MONARCH returned to Lisbon on 31 October 2008 after the first season of summer cruises managed by Classic International Cruises.
Now she will undergo further refitting this winter, staying in Lisbon until 16 April 2009. In due course she is being renamed PRINCESS DAPHNE in the same way sistership DANAE was renamed PRINCESS DANAE in 1996 when purchased by Classic International Cruises.
The OCEAN MONARCH / PRINCESS DAPHNE is the newest acquisition of Classic International Cruises, FUNCHAL, PRINCESS DANAE, ARION and ATHINA.
It was very interesting to see the two former Karras sisters DAPHNE and DANAE once again under the same operator. Both were built in 1955 for Port Line and kept together under Karras and Costa ownership. The two ships were completely rebuilt into luxury cruise ships in 1974-1977.
Photos: OCEAN MONARCH arriving in Lisbon on 31-10-2008
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Magnifícas fotografias.
    O navio é muito elegante, o enquadramento não podia ser melhor.
    Parabéns LMC.

    Ricardo Matias

  2. Obrigado, Ricardo...
    Sempre que vejo estes navios lembro-me do ANGOLA e do MOÇAMBIQUE que tinham cascos e máquinas semelhantes e foram para a sucata antes do tempo...
