Monday, January 26, 2009

Russian cruiser PETR VILIKIY at Cape Town

Two images of the great Russian nuclear cruiser PETR VILIKIY leaving Cape Town on 15 January 2009 while visiting South African waters on a long cruise to show the Russian flag like in the old days of cold war.
Photos taken by my friend Trevor Jones of Durban who traveled to the Cape not to miss this 28.000 full displacement tons ship built in St. Petersburg in 1986-1995 and completed in 1998.
The PETR VILIKIY was laid down as YURI ANDROPOV as the third KIROV-class cruiser. With a speed of 32 knots and a length of 248 meters and breadth of 28 meters, the KIROVs were the largest surface naval ships built after WW2.
While very impressive to look at, the PETR VILIKIY reminds us of another era just like a ghost from the past. It is certainly another world.
Texto /Text copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. "While very impressive to look at, the PETR VILIKIY is now obsolete like most Russian naval ships "

    Lol, you just could not resist )))
    Russians = bad. All their stuff - deathtraps. This ship, by no means is obsolete. Thanks to your friend.
    P.S. Spare us of your useless comments next time and make some research.

  2. You calling her obsolete means you have no idea about navy in general, and this ship in particular. Please do some research before writing next time. At least try to read Wikipedia, for Christ sake! Though it is no good when it comes to weapons(( It is NOT an obsolete ship!

  3. Yeah, with most of the fleets in the world this ship can fight alone, and even has a possibility to win. I'm not talking about USA or Britain, or any other major naval power, of course.
    It is rather sad, that ships of this class are both extremly expensive to produce and VERY expensive to maintain, so that Russians, with all their money, can only afford having two of these operational.
    P.S. Look at the number of antennas! This ship is obviously a listener...

  4. By the way, I've almost forgotten to say "Thank you!". I really like the photos.

    Last comment was made by me))

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