Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MAXIM GORKIY off the beach...

The MAKSIM GORKIY leaving Lisbon in black & white and the Soviet Union livery on 13 June 1987.

The MAXIM GORKIY is the next passenger ship to be beached at Alang the next coming days. She is just waiting for the right tide for that final full speed ahead ride into the sands of Alang.
What a shame nobody in Hamburg could succeed with the project to preserve the ship as a living museum and hotel under the original name of HAMBURG.
I am really sad with this situation. I enjoyed so much this magnificent final passenger liner and cruise ship of the 1960s I first saw in Lisbon in May 1969 on her maiden cruise.
In the photo published with this post the HAMBURG is seen on her final call in Lisbon, docking at Alcântara terminal on 25 May 2008, 39 years later and following so many pictures over the years. More photos and information in our HAMBURG / MAXIM GORKIY blog here.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

1 comment:

  1. ... so this is the end of the line for her? A shame indeed she couldn't be preserved. I would be very interested in knowing the reasons pointed for her scraping instead of the preservation she surely deserve. Do you know if there's a report published somewhere in the web you could point me (us)? The cruise market loses some of it's charm wit the loss of such vessels.

    LMC, thank you for keeping us up to date and for keeping on publishing such magnificent photos.
    Most kind regards,
