Monday, March 09, 2009

OCEANIC sold to Japanese interests

Pullmantur Cruises has just sold their cruise ship OCEANIC to Japanese interests associated to the Peace Boat organization.
The Valencia operation of 2 and 5 night cruises due to start on 3 April and run until 18 September has been canceled and the ship is due to be delivered in April. She is being destored at this moment in Barcelona.
It was feared that following the scheduled withdrawal of OCEANIC from Pullmantur service in September 2009 she might be sold for scrap, but this lucky Italian-built Lady has just found another useful operation cruising around the world for the Japanese PEACE BOAT organization.
What a wonderful new lease of life for the luckiest of all the great liners of the 1960s...
The photo of the OCEANIC with red funnel was taken on 27 February in Barcelona by Jordi Montoro and published in Shipspotting. A very beautiful image of the old Pullmantur Lady.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Thanks again, Luis, for scooping almost everyone else on this. Love your blog!

    Laurence (Larry) Miller

  2. Dear Larry Miller

    Very nice of you to leave a comment. You are most welcome.

    Luís Miguel Correia
