Friday, January 08, 2010

FUNCHAL in Lisbon

Portuguese cruise ship FUNCHAL returned to a lay up berth at Santa Apolónia, in Lisbon after a spell of two and a half months at Trafaria. She was laid up in October for the winter and returns to cruise service at the end of March 2010 with a new programm of cruises from Lisbon geared to the Portuguese market. Photos taken on 7 January 2010, the first sunny day registered in Lisbon this year.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

1 comment:

  1. Dear Luis Miguel,

    I wish you a very happy new year,with a lot of nice calls
