Thursday, March 11, 2010


The brand new cruise ship MSC MAGNIFICA arrives in Lisbon tomorrow, 12 March 2010, on her inaugural cruise. She has just been delivered by STX Europe at their St .Nazaire yard on 25 February 2010 and the adjoining photo shows the new MSC cruise ship departing from St. Nazaire.
Chega amanhã dia 12 de Março de 2010 a Lisboa, o novo paquete de cruzeiros MSC MAGNIFICA, da companhia MSC Cruises. O navio atraca ao cais de Alcântara cerca das 9h00 da manhã.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

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