Monday, March 15, 2010

MSC MAGNIFICA maiden call in Lisbon

The newest cruise ship to join the fleet of the ever expanding MSC CRUISES, the MSC MAGNIFICA arrived in Lisbon on 12 March 2010 for a presentation call while on her shakedown cruise from Hamburg to Venice. She was delivered in St. Nazaire on 25 February by STX Europe and christened in Hamburg on 6 March.
The 95 218 GT ship is the fourth sister in the MSC MUSICA-class and the eleventh ship to jointhe MSC Cruises fleet. She will be based in Venice year-round at least until 2011, operating 7 to 12 -day cruises to the Eastern Mediterranean.
She was most welcomed in Lisbon by SVITZER Tugs and the local authorities, your Blog Editor included for the oficial visit onboard followed by lunch. The MSC MAGNIFICA departed from the Alcântara cruise terminal at 6 PM bound for Palma de Mallorca and Venice.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

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