Monday, August 09, 2010

VERGA and PASCOLI in Civitavecchia

The handsome Italian sisterships VERGA (1978-1997) and PASCOLI (1971-1999) berthed in Civitavecchia in October 1986.
In the 1970s the Finmare Group Ferry company Tirrenia had eight sisters built in two groups. 
PASCOLI (6.909 GRT) belonged to the original group which also comprised BOCCACCIO, CARDUCCI, LEOPARDI, MANZONI and PETRARCA, while VERGA belonged to the later group with DELLEDA.
They were very nice ships with elegant hulls and funnels. Some were rebuilt and lost all her elegance and balance... 
VERGA served Tirrenia from 1978 up to her sale in 1997 to G.A. Ferries of Piraeus who renamed her DIMITROULA. Slightly rebuilt, still bearing her Italian good looking, she has been laid up in Piraeus since 2008.
PASCOLI was built in 1971 in Palermo and rebuilt in 1992 at La Spezia. In 1999 she was sold to Egipt and renamed EL SALAM PASCOLI 96 (1999-2000), TERTIUM MILLENIUM (2000), PASCOLI 96 (2000), AL SALAM PASCOLI 96 (2001-2006) ending at the beach in Alang as PASCOLI 96 on 25 July 2006.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful shots Luis!

    The DIMITROULA (ex-VERGA) is now the last survivor of this class, and even she is danger, as the entire laid up GA Ferries fleet (of which she formed part) is likely to go off for scrap "en bloc".

