Friday, March 25, 2011

FUNCHAL new livery...

The Portuguese registered cruise ship FUNCHAL is undergoing a very extensive refit in Lisbon due to SOLAS new regulations and in order to upgrade her passenger and crew quarters.
This refit costing about 12 million Euros will enable the FUNCHAL to continue sailing the oceans world wide for many more years to come as off July 2011.
Steel hull plating has been extensively renewed already, and in May she returns to the NAVALROCHA drydock and the hull will be blasted, all old paint removed and a new livery applied: the FUNCHAL will have again a black hull and yellow funnel, in a very similar way to her original form back in 1961, as can be seen in this computer generated image. Please note the logo to be retained is the present one, it was not fitted to scale on the computer image.
With a "secret SOLASS recomendation" to have all cruise ships painted either white and blue or with dark blue hulls, it is  very interesting to see the FUNCHAL looking more classic than ever...
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. A melhor notícia dos últimos tempos! Onde se arranja as antevisões?

  2. Ricardo,

    Esta divulgação é uma estreia mundial... Podes fazer copy paste da fotografia no BNM...
    Em Maio vamos assistir às mudanças de cores...


  3. Eh pá!
    As novas cores aliadas ao formato do navio, conferem ao Funchal o estatuto de belo iate.
    Posso utilizar esta imagem no meu Blogue?
    Bom fim de semana Luís Correia
    Paulo Farinha

  4. Pois é, eu sabia dessa ida à doca já desde que ele lá esteve, só que não sabia é que ia mudar de cores. Agora tenho de apanhá-lo ainda mais vezes branco. Estranhei não terem pintado a chapa nova, de branco. Mas também não pensei que fosse ficar mesmo como antigamente! Voltará a ser certamente o navio mais fácil de identificar no mercado com estas cores. E será a primeira vez que o verei preto, sinceramente pensei que isso nunca fosse acontecer, mas nada é impossível e lá teremos o Funchal quase original de volta.

  5. Ricardo,

    As novas cores foram sugeridas no dia 17 e decididas na sexta-feira 18... Já em 1986 fui eu que sugeri a mudança da chaminé de azul para amarela e quando vi o navio a ser pintado fiquei muito feliz...

  6. Farinha,

    Podes divulgar à vontade e em Julho poderás ver o navio que vai homenagear a cidade do Funchal num cruzeiro comemorativo...

  7. Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I just hope that the logo on the funnel might be a little smaller.
    Otherwise, the new livery seems, somehow, to give back to the ship a
    certain 'balance' that had been lost when her foremasts were removed.


  8. I always thought that Funchal looks good with a dark hull, as do many ships.

    I can't find any summer 2011 itineraries for the ship on Classic's website but
    they do have some very nice Asian itineraries for the winter of 2011/2012. Fewer
    ports, longer time in each. I am quite tempted....


  9. Miguel-most exciting news of the week I just can´t wait to see the new colours, the ship will look incredible, and as per your comments the logo will be re-adjusted and in proportion; it`s now 25 years since I last travelled on the ship, but now I am trully desperate to go back, long may she live

  10. Jonathan,
    Funchal will spend the summer on the German market, replacing Princess Daphne.
    I think she'll look really great! So nice to have another real ocean liner looking like such!

  11. Funchal looks great in the new livery though I agree with Clive about the funnel. Still she is a ship to be of so few survivors of that great postwar design period, alas now gone forever! New book by Bruce Peter and Philip Dawson "Ship Style" celebrates it!
    Don Stoltenberg

  12. Funchal looks great in the new livery though I agree with Clive about the funnel. Still she is a ship to be of so few survivors of that great postwar design period, alas now gone forever! New book by Bruce Peter and Philip Dawson "Ship Style" celebrates it!
    Don Stoltenberg

  13. Vejam as fotografias e leiam um pouco sobre o paquete funchal em:

    Saudações Nauticas

    Luis Passos

  14. WOW...looks great in the mock up, I'm sure she will look even better in the 'flesh'...
