Monday, May 30, 2011

KANANGA in Lisbon

Once many of the passenger liners calling in Lisbon were in fact passenger cargo liners. All Blue Star Line, Booth Line, and most of Royal Mail Line's shiups were passenger carg liners as were thr post war French liners of Messageries Maritimes , Chargeurs Reunis, etc...
In 1977 Lisbon received the maiden call of a final passenger cargo liner sailing between Europe and West Africa. This ship was the KANANGA of Cie Maritime Zairoise, an associated company of Cie Maritime Belge who had a great fleet of Villeboats to Congo and Angola including FABIOLAVILLE of 1972, the sister of KANANGA.
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1 comment:

  1. O Kananga era um Navio misto de carga e passageiros propriedade da CMZ posteriormente chamada CMDC, actualmente sem frota mas ainda agenciando outos navios ! O Kananga era bastante rápido mas perigoso, pouco estável, dizem alguns antigos oficiais que serviram a bordo, muitos deles ainda navegando como pilotos da barra no Rio Congobe Banana até Matadi.


