Tuesday, June 07, 2011

BRITANIS arriving Miami

BRITANIS arriving Miami early in the morning in late May 1989.
At the time she was already a 57 year-old passenger ship in her fourth name: she was built for Matson Lines in 1932 as MONTEREY (1932-1957). She had a secons career under the Matson flag as MATSONIA (1957-1963) becoming LURLINE (1963-1970)after her sister was sold to Chandris as ELLINIS. She entered service for Chandris on the Southampton - Australia route in 1971 and was probably the most successful of all Chandris liners, ending her career in 1974 with a charter in Guantanamo Bay. Lay up in Tampa followed until in 1998 she became BELOFIN-1. Proposals to preserve were not acomplished and she sunk at sea off South Africa in October 2000 on her way to Alang.
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