Thursday, August 11, 2011


Greek cruise ship STELLA SOLARIS leaving Lisbon in December 1995 on her first visit in early Royal Olympic livery.
STELLA SOLARIS was a regular visitor to Lisbon mostly on positioning cruises between Europe and the Caribbean. A formar ocean liner of Messageries Maritimes used on their Marseilles - Far East service as CAMBODGE she entered service in 1953 with her sisters LAOS and VIET NAM. 
Sold in 1970 to the Sun Line of Greece, she was renamed STELLA V and rebuilt in Greece, being introduced in 1973 as STELLA SOLARIS as a full time cruise ship. In 1995 Sun Line and Epirotiki merged to form Royal Olympic Cruises and STELLA SOLARIS continued in service until 2002 when she was laid up being sold for scrap in late 2003 and broken up in Alang, India.
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