Tuesday, December 13, 2011


The New MAURETANIA a triumph in modern shipbuilding - First sailing JUNE 17 - so Cunard White Star Limited of Liverpool announced in their stationery.
In fact the new MAURETANIA did sail on her maiden voyage to New York in 17 June 1939. Two other large new passenger liners with maiden voyages scheduled for that ill fated summer of 1939, the Royal Mail Line's ANDES and  Cie Sud-Atlantique's PASTEUR did not make it: ANDES would have sailed on her maiden voyage on 26 September and the French PASTEUR on 16 September, but war changer it all.
My dear friend Eugénio Cavalheiro considered a crossing to New York to attend the EXPO and so contacted Cunard in May but in the end did not go. The reply from Cunard is now a piece of memorabilia in my collection.
RMS MAURETANIA served as a troop transport during WW2 and returned to Cunard Atlantic service and cruising. She was scrapped in 1965. Post card and photo from the Luís Miguel Correia collection.
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