Thursday, May 03, 2012

SAGA SAPPHIRE maiden arrival in Lisbon

SAGA SAPPHIRE, the new flagship of Saga Cruises, about to enter the river Tagus bar for the first time under this new name on the evening of 2nd May 2012. She looks splendid after the refit by Fincantieri in Palermo, Italy.
Today 3rd May 2012 it was supposed to be Saga Day in Lisbon, with all three Saga cruise ships berthed together at the Jardim do Tabaco and Santa Apolónia cruise berths, but although SAGA PEARL II arrives at 7 AM, fleet mate SAGA RUBY is one day late and arrives in Lisbon only on 4 May, thus missing her fleet sisters.
SAGA SAPPHIRE was the former EUROPA of 1981, purchased in 2011 from Pullmantur / Blue de France Cruises to replace SAGA ROSE.
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