Sunday, July 15, 2012

South Africa without merchant ships

Passenger liner S. A. VAAL photographed arriving at Cape Town in 1968 in another magnificent original photograph by Professor Trevor Jones, of Durban.
S.A. VAAL was the final Union-Castle passenger liner, built in the Clydebank yard of John Brown as TRANSVAAL CASTLE in 1961. She was sold to Safmarine in 1965 and sailed as the flagship of the South African merchant navy until sold to Carnival in 1977.
A recent report has just stated that there are no deep sea ships at present in the register of merchant ships of the Republic of South Africa. Safmarine still exists but was taken over by Maersk, and the more recent container ships in the fleet of Safmarine sail under the Hong Kong Chinese ensign. Today shipping is an economic activity totally international in its global scope and a lot of traditions have been lost in this process towards maximum profitability at sea...
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