Monday, August 13, 2012

ATHENA to return to Australia

The Portuguese registered cruise ship ATHENA is going to return to Australia for extended seasons of cruising "down under" in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. On 12 November 2012 the ATHENA sails from Marseilles on a line voyage for Fremantle, arriving on 18 December. She returns to Europe from Fremantle on 15 Atril 2013, calling in Lisbon on 22 May and arriving at Portsmouth on 25 May 2013. After a cruise season in North European waters, the ATHENA departs fromPortsmouth in the UK on 29 September 2013 on a 44 day voyage to Australia via Cape Town. A refit in Singapore is scheduled for November 2013. Those Autralian cruise seasons will be the 9th and 10th very successful Australian cruise programs operated by Classic International Cruises, first with FUNCHAL and later with the ATHENA. Check ATHENA's Australian cruises and liner voyages here.
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