Monday, September 17, 2012


German cruise ship DEUTSCHLAND called in Lisbon once more on 14 September 2012, still under German registry after a recent attempt to reflag her to Malta.
The DEUTSCHLAND is seen here at her berth at the Santa Apolónia cruise terminal showing her recent funnel colours of red "funnel" over a light gray base, not as nice as the original funnel colours, I dare to say...
Anyway it is nice to see the beautifull "neoclassic" DEUTSCHLAND still cruising as a true German flagged ship.

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1 comment:

  1. I thing I don't get about the Deutschland's funnel is why didn't they paint the entire funnel red? It would have definately looked better than the current arrangement (although possibly not as good as the original - I don't usually like white funnels but the colour worked quite nicely in the Deutschland).
