Thursday, October 18, 2012

DAPHNE back in 1975

The then brand-new Greek cruise ship DAPHNE in her first season in 1975 after rebuilding as an up market luxury cruise liner. She was the former Port Line cargo passenger liner PORT SYDNEY, built in 1955 in Newcastle as one of the best looking ships of her type, and used on the Europe & UK to New Zealand and Australia regular service until sold to the Greek oner John Karras in 1972 ith her sister PORT MELBOURNE, also rebuilt as the DANAE.
They were introduced in 1975 and 1977 as cruise ships at a time when passenger shipping and cruising was on a lower web, and most people considered the days of the large passenger ships were over. I remember taking photographs of DAPHNE and DANAE in Lisbon on their first calls and they really were handsome ships with a balanced profile and nice livery. Many years later, both ships joined the fleet of the Lisbon based Classic International Cruises and renamed PRINCESS DAPHNE and PRINCESS DAPHNE. Unfortunately now the future of both sisters is on a crossroad, with DAPHNE in Crete and DANAE in Marseilles under arrest...
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