Friday, December 21, 2012

Bill Miller recollections

My friend Bill Miller has been celebrating over 50 years of travel, travel by ship & travel photography with recollections about his work and photos: Bill writes "My very first book was Guide to North American Passenger Ships, published forty years ago, in 1972. Since then, and as if driven my very own steam turbines, I have penned many books, almost all of them about some variation of the ocean liner. It has meant some sense of diligence, focus, long hours at my IBM Selectric typewriter and then the computer keyword. Like a recipe, I often attempt to “spice” the text with anecdotes and recollections from passengers, officers and crew, and sometimes shoreside personnel. They add, I feel, “life” to the story of the liners. Also in the process, I have “acquired” thousands upon thousands of photographs --- some from the liner companies themselves and also the likes of port authorities & the occasional maritime museum, but the vast majority have come from private collectors, most of whom are friends. These photos, when grouped in a category and sometimes placed in specific envelopes & folders, are often the primary catalyst to a book. The liners of Cunard, French and Italian passenger ships and the biographies of the likes of United States, QE2 and Nieuw Amsterdam have been ideas that have gone to book form. 
Spring afternoon: The Europa is arriving off Lower Manhattan in this view dated April 1969."
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. Favor não piratear. Respeite o meu trabalho / No piracy, please. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

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