Thursday, February 14, 2013

PACIFIC VENUS inbound for Lisbon

Now and then Japanese cruise ships pay single calls to Lisbon while operating world cruises for the exclusive Japanese market. One such ship is the PACIFIC VENUS, seen here arriving the river Tagus bar on her way to Lisbon on 18 May 2010.
The PACIFIC VENUS was built in Japan in 1998. The 26.594 GT ship has capacity for 720 passengers. She is operated by Venus Cruises, a Japanese company geared to the local Japanese market.
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1 comment:

  1. Manobrei este navio quando era Piloto no Porto de Lisboa... Tem uma decoração muito interessante e minimalista, algumas zonas impecavelmente limpas e claras fazem mais lembrar um hospital do que um navio de cruzeiros... Japanese Style!
