Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Explosão em navio-químico ao largo do Cabo Espichel

Registou-se esta manhã, cerca das 8h12, uma explosão a bordo do navio-químico dinamarquês HARBOUR KRYSTAL, que navegava de Lavera, França, para Amesterdão. Um dos 19 tripulantes está dado como desaparecido. A corveta NRP JACINTO CÂNDIDO está a pairar próximo do navio sinistrado e os rebocadores SVITZER LEIXÕES e SVITZER LISBOA sairam de Lisboa para prestar assistência. O tripulante desaparecido é o contramestre.
O navio HARBOUR KRYSTAL navega com bandeira das Bahamas, e pertence à companhia dinamarquesa Nordic Tankers A/S, de Copenhaga. A companhia já emitiu dois comunicados sobre o acidente, tendo agradecido a forma eficiente como as autoridades portuguesas prestaram assistência...
O HARBOUR KRYSTAL foi construído na Coreia em Pusan pelo estaleiro STX, tendo sido entregue em Setembro de 2006 com o nome CLIPPER KRYSTAL (IMO 9330020) . Classificado pela ABS, o navio tem 11.262 toneladas de porte bruto e alterou o nome para o actual em 2011. Esteve recentemente em Sines.
O navio HARBOUR KRYSTAL entrou em Setúbal na manhã de 7-03-2013 para efectuar as reparações necessárias.

Comunicados da Nordic Tankers:

Earlier this morning Harbour Krystal suffered an explosion on board whilst off the coast of Lisbon, Portugal.
One member of crew is currently unaccounted for and every effort is being made to ascertain his whereabouts. Local authorities are coordinating search and rescue operation. A fire has broken out at the forecastle (bow) of the vessel, which is being tackled with the fire fighting equipment on board. All cargo tanks are at present intact and unaffected by the fire.
The Portuguese authorities have been notified of the incident and are preparing to provide assistance.
The vessel is carrying a cargo of light virgin naptha and was bound for Amsterdam at the time of the incident.
MT Harbour Krystal is a 2006 built double hulled tanker of 11,262 dwt.

The fire onboard the vessel has been successfully extinguished. All cargo tanks are intact, inerted and unaffected by the fire. There is no danger of pollution from either cargo or bunker fuel and the vessel's hull integrity is fully intact. One member of crew remains unaccounted for and a full search and rescue operation, coordinated by the local authorities, remains our priority. Discussions are ongoing with the Portuguese with regards to the next course of action. A Naval vessel will be in the vicinity shortly in order to better assess the situation. 
We would like to thank the Portuguese authorities for their prompt and professional assistance.
For further information, please contact: Martin Baxendale, +44 7802 954616
Texto de / Text by L.M.Correia. Image  copyright Ria Maat / Shipspotting, taken in November 2011 in Rotterdam.  Favor não piratear. Respeite o meu trabalho / No piracy, please. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

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