Sunday, October 27, 2013


Beautiful image of the QUEEN ANNA MARIA. One of the iconic liner in my youth in Lisbon. Built the same year as myself, and a constant in my life as passenger shipping observer: I remember her Canadian Pacific buff and chequered funnel shinning on the evening sun alongside the Rocha Pax Terminal in 1963, then as QUEEN ANNA MARIA she became part of Lisbon waterfront on her regular transatlantic voyages with OLYMPIA. The news of the collapse of Greek Line and her final dash from NY into lay up in Greece in 1975, at a time when most of those beautiful liners were sent to Kaoshiung on a no return voyage, including her sister OCEAN MONARCH. Her rescue by Ted Arison in late 1975 marked the turn of the tide for this Lady. A long spell of success in the Caribbean as CARNIVALE made me go to Miami in 1989 to photograph the former Empresses. Later she sailed briefly as FIESTA MARINA. Later on I made a cruise on her in the Aegean - she was the magnificent OLYMPIC of Royal Olympic Cruises by then. Her success did continue over the years cruising all over the world as THE TOPAZ until she was sold to be broken up in India in 2008. She operated around the globe for the Japanese Peace Boat organization in the end...
This magnificent underway photograph of QUEEN ANNA MARIA has been sent by my freind Trevor Jones. It is part of his collection of ship photographs.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. Favor não piratear. Respeite o meu trabalho / No piracy, please. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

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