Thursday, February 13, 2014

Tug EGERTON in Gibraltar

In the Crown Colony of Gibraltar there  are always interesting traditional British looking tugs to observe and photograph, such as this EGERTON photographed on 28 August 2009 while assisting the Portuguese cruise ship FUNCHAL sail into a long Med cruise from Lisbon...

In the first photograph the cruise ship ASTORIA can be seen laid up awaiting to have purchase by Saga Cruises finalized.

She eventualy became the SAGA RUBY II, and as such she is still in cruise service.

Now the former ASTOR of 1981 ex-ARKONA, ex-ASTORIA sails in the new Saga livery of strange assimetric blue funnel and blue hull after havig first operated with the more attractive yellow funel.

Returning to the EGERTON, she is not particularly beautiful but I must agree she is very distinctive and the livery is a classic must.

And our Spanish friends may love the detail of the LONDON registry...

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