Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Training Ship EMPIRE STATE in Lisbon

The United States Merchant Navy training steamer EMPIRE STATE leaving Lisbon on 28 July 2014 on a very atmospheric mood, after her first call ever in Lisbon. The EMPIRE STATE is the training Ship of the State University of New York Nautical College, which I visited many years ago to see the SS UNITED STATES propellor they have on display.

The EMPIRE STATE is a former fast turbine cargo passenger liner built for transpacific sercice of the States Steamship Company as OREGON in 1962. She is now the last of a kind and a very beautiful and interesting ship. 
The present T.S. EMPIRE STATE is the sixth under this name to serve the SUNY Nautical College. I was lucky to have photographed her previous namesake, a former American President Lines passenger cargo liner, back in 1989 in Miami.
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