Sunday, August 31, 2014

EUGENIO COSTA leaving Lisbon 16 July 1991

As built in 1966, the Costa Line flagship EUGENIO C was one of the best passenger ships built in the 1960s and the final greta Italian passenger liner. I was lucky to have been able to see and photograph the EUGINIO countless times over the years including several times in her later livery as the London registered EDINBURGH CASTLE. 

In this photograph, taken on 16 July 1991, the EUGENIO COSTA ex EUGENIO C is departing from Lisbon at 18h00  after a full day call on one of the many cruises she and ACHILLE LAURO operated to Lisbon during that summer following trouble in the Eastern Mediterranean. She was getting close to the end of her career under Costa, only 5 more years to go, but she looked magnificent in her classic elegance and inner beauty.
See more images of EUGENIO C and the Costa liners and cruise ships past and present here...
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