Monday, June 19, 2017

QUEEN VICTORIA post-refit in Lisbon

Mixed feelings about QUEEN VICTORIA's new post 2017 Palermo refit after photographing her very early in the morning today on the ship's first Lisbon call following modernization in Italy. New cabins have been built at the stern that now looks more square in line with near sister QUEEN ELIZABETH. More cabins, more revenue, but also a larger pool deck. 

Check this official QV video showing the new facilities on board here. Compare the VICTORIA's new look with previous posts and photographs in Ships & the Sea.

Built in Trieste by Fincantieri and delivered in 2007, the QUEEN VCTORIA original Gross Tonnage figure of 90,049 GT has just been icreased to 90.746 GT, following the Palermo refit from 5 May to 4 June 2017 when 43 new luxury cabins and suites were added. She has been sailing under the register of Bermuda since 2011. Original photos by Luís Miguel Correia at Lisbon on 19 June 2017.
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