Saturday, July 15, 2017

Pintor de Marinha Stephen J. Card

Algumas das obras de Stephen Card: de cima para baixo, o cargueiro misto COTOPAXI, da Pacific Steam Navigation Comany, de Liverpool, os paquetes AMERICA e DUILIO e o cargueiro HOBART STAR, da Blue Star Line

Dois dos meus amigos do mundo dos navios e do mar e livros acerca desse universo que me diz tanto: William H. Miller e Stephen Card, apresentados aqui num diálogo ilustrado por algumas das obras de Stephen Card:
Recently, Bill Miller shared a photo of the German super liner Europa in a magnificent painting by Bermuda's Stephen Card.
Well, he was quick to respond: 
"A skeleton in the closet! This was one of my very early paintings... 1984. It is Number 8!!!!! 20 x 30 inches. Acrylics on canvas. Now 34 years later and 1,100 paintings, I think I am just now getting the hang of this painting 'stuff'. I wish I had gone to art school! I had two artists that helped along the way, Deryck Foster and Bill Muller. Two of the finest marine artists ever. On top of that I had to 'learn' about ocean liners. Always liners from early age, but it was in 1984 started to pay attention to detail and a lot of that came from many of your own books like the Dover books. I might have become a sail yacht painter, but I enjoyed the subject of liners much more. It has been a long voyage and I am still not even near the first port yet!"
Myself, I am just finishing a book about freighters of the '50s & '60s. Stephen has always been so generous. He has provided images of his numerous paintings. One of them, the attached Hobart Star of Britain's Blue Star Line, is included. As I sit here, I can see the mist that adds to the mood and even almost smell the sea salt. And I can feel the sense of determination: The 1956-built Hobart Star is heading home to London after a long voyage out to Australia & New Zealand. She's at​ top speed, her valuable cargoes of meat and wool yet to be delivered. Thank you, Stephen ... you keep these wonderful ships alive and in our memories. 
Conheço ambos há muitos anos como apreciador das obras respectivas. Tive o prazer de viajar de navio com o Stephen Card, sempre de "quarto" no Ocean Bar do Rotterdam. O Bill e eu encontrámos-nos pela primeira vez pessoalmente em 1983, em Portimão viajava ele no CANBERRA, e fomos ambos a Sines ver o INFANTE DOM HENRIQUE. Mais sobre o SJC aqui, e ainda aqui...
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