Wednesday, October 18, 2017

QI JIGUANG: Navio-escola da Armada da China em Lisboa

Encontra-se em Lisboa o novo navio-escola da Armada da China QI JIGUANG, que foi aumentado ao efectivo a 21-02-2017 e está atribuído à Escola Naval de Dalian. 

O QI JIGUANG chegou a Lisboa na manhã de 15 de Outubro e fundeou no Mar da Palha antes de atracar ao cais da Estação Marítima da Rocha, de onde larga a 20 de Outubro. O navio está a fazer a sua primeira viagem de treino, visitando Portugal, Itália, Ceilão e a Tailândia. A notícia oficial da Marinha da R. P. da China sobre o navio e a viagem apresenta-se abaixo em inglês:

"DALIAN, Sept. 18 (ChinaMil) -- The newly-commissioned training ship Qi Jiguang (Hull 83) attached to the Chinese PLA Navy set sail Sunday morning from a military port in Dalian, a coastal city in northeast China’s Liaoning province to kick off its maiden ocean-going voyage, during which, the ship will pay port visits to Portugal, Italy, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
A total of 549 persons are aboard the training ship, including midshipmen, naval officers and sailors. Rear Admiral Yan Zhengming, president of the Dalian Naval Academy of the PLA Navy, serves as the commanding officer of the ocean-going mission.
The midshipmen come respectively from the Naval University of Engineering, Dalian Naval Academy, Naval Submarine Academy, Naval Aeronautical University, Naval Medical University and Naval School for Non-commissioned Officers.
During the ocean-going voyage of the Qi Jiguang training ship, the midshipmen onboard will conduct teaching training of 13 subjects including terrestrial navigation, astronomical navigation, ship maneuver and marine hydrometeorology.
During the port calls to Portugal, Italy, Sri Lanka and Thailand, the midshipmen will be arranged to visit ships, colleges and training facilities of navies of the four countries. In addition, the Chinese naval training ship will hold deck receptions and be open to public visit.
The training ship Qi Jiguang, named after a general living in late Ming Dynasty and well-known in China as the commander of an armed force fighting against ancient Japanese pirates in China's southeast coast region, is the largest and the most advanced training ship of the PLA Navy with a full loaded displacement of almost 10,000 tons. It is Independently designed and built by China and officially joined the North China Sea Fleet on Feb. 21, 2017". Ver características e mais informação aqui .

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