Monday, April 23, 2007


The pilot boat PONTA DO SALMODO at speed passing the sailing cruise ship SEA CLOUD in Lisbon, 22 April 2007. Photo dedicated to our friend Daniel Malheiro do Vale of the blog PILOT BOAT.
Daniel is the Editor of the APIBARRA newsletter, whose first issue has just been published with news about Portuguese harbour pilots' matters. Nice work Daniel and thanks for sending a copy.

Text and image of the PONTA DO SALMODO copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Thanks for your visit and comments. You are most welcome at any time - Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Congratulations, Malheiro do Vale!!! Your initiative is an inspiration for all of us!!

    Another extraordinary picture by L M Correia, whom we were missing so much!!!

  2. Sailor Girl,

    There are many other pictures waiting to be published...
    Best wishes


  3. WOW! Dedicated photo! And such a beautiful one... thanks a lot LMC.

    Regarding the newsletter, I'm just the "designer" and "editor". The rest will be contributions from all Portuguese pilots... the initiative is from Apibarra.

    And I also was missing LMC's pictures and texts!

    Again, thanks for the "publicity" and incentive!
