Monday, April 23, 2007

THE SEA CLOUD in Pictures

Some photographs taken in Lisbon 22 April 2007 showing the SEA CLOUD at her best.
Text and images copyright L.M.Correia, unless otherwise stated. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Thanks for your visit and comments. You are most welcome at any time - Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Lucky passengers and really, really lucky Crew!!!

  2. More or less lucky depending on how long they have to stay onboard. If someone has to stay on duty in a ship for let's say 9 months, a lot is left behind, family, shore life, etc...

  3. Finally, the point of view of the seaman!

    Most of the times, the nostalgic good dreams about the sea only come when we no longer have to go to the sea for a living.

    When we are 4 or 5 months (or more, once I spent 7!) on board a ship, things tend to go a little crazy on your mind, not to mention being far from your beloved ones, missing their birthdays, Christmas, and everything that takes part on a "normal" life...

    Anyway, it is always the good things that you remember and miss from the sea. We tend to forget the bad weather, the emergency situations, the sometimes 24+++ hours awake, and all the problems we are expected to solve to keep the vessel running and the owner happy!
