Wednesday, January 02, 2008

In Memory of Frank O. Braynard

I have just received the sad news that Frank O. Braynard is no longer with us. He was a very special friend for many years and an outstanding example to follow: his work as ship historian and marine artist remains as a reference to all those interested in maritime matters. He was also a very special friend of Portugal and was always pleased to visit Lisbon. He met Portuguese Ambassador to the USA Pedro Teotónio Pereira in the early sixties and was then introduced to the Portuguese Navy in order to have the training ship SAGRES in the Operation Sail he first created in New York in 1964. It will be hard to find someone so generous and well informed like Frank. To all American shipping related friends and the Braynard Family, my sincere condolences.
Faleceu em Dezembro em Nova Iorque Frank O. Braynard, com 91 anos. Considerado o mais prestigiado historiador de Marinha dos Estados Unidos, autor de 40 livros e grande conhecedor de todos os assuntos ligados a navios e ao mar, Frank foi um amigo muito especial de Portugal, País que visitou diversas vezes. Frank foi também um Amigo meu. Tive o privilégio de ser recebido na sua casa de Sea Cliff, Long Island, por diversas vezes e guardo as melhores memórias de um grande Amigo. O verdadeiro Amigo Americano, de pensamento progressista, sensível, culto e inteligente. Condolências à Família e em especial à viuva Doris Braynard.
Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

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