Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Paquete GUINÉ da Companhia Colonial de Navegação fundeado em Cabo Verde. Imagem oferecida por um Amigo do BNM a quem muito agradecemos o envio.
Esta fotografia data da Segunda Guerra Mundial, numa fase em que os navios tinham assinaladas as diversas marcas de neutralidade e os cascos pretos. Posteriormente durante a guerra as chaminés foram todas pintadas de verde encarnado independentemente dos armadores.
Este GUINÉ é o segundo da Companhia Colonial a ter esta designação. Foi construído em 1905 para a Empresa Insulana com o nome SAN MIGUEL. Fez a carreira das Ilhas durante 25 anos até ser substituído em 1930 pelo CARVALHO ARAÚJO. Em 1946 voltou ao serviço da Insulana em substituição do LIMA e em 1949 foi retirado do serviço activo e vendido para desmantelar no ano seguinte.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Was this boat used to transport refugees to America during WWII? Thanks!

  2. Yes, the GUINÉ did several liner voyages from Lisbon to US East Coast ports with passengers, mostly refugees, during WW2... However she was used mainly on a regular service between Lisbon, Madeira Island and the colonies of Cape Verde Islands and Guinea Bissau between 1930 and 1949.

  3. I would like to use a photo you have of the GUINÉ in my website about one of the passengers who got to freedom in 1941:
    May I get your permission? - of course only with mentioning your (C). Kind regards

  4. My father and his parents came to the United States on this ship in April, 1941. They were Jews from France, had traveled by train from Marseille, through Spain, and on to Lisbon, where they boarded the Guiné. I've only seen one other photo of the ship, very pleased to find this history, and am sharing this with my family. Thank you!

  5. You are most welcome, Candide, glad that you have found this information and that it is relevant to you and your family.

