Tuesday, August 23, 2011

AUGUSTUS leaving Lisbon

The beautiful Italian Line motor ship AUGUSTUS leaving the Alcântara passenger ship terminal in November 1975 and sailing under the Tagus bridge bound for Brazil and the river Plate on one of her final voyages for Italia.
On her mast on the signals yard she  has the company houseflag and the Portuguese flag, the Italian national flag is on the peak of the gaff, the call sign (I-C-B-B in case of AUGUSTUS) is on the lower signal's yard while the Pilot's flag is hoisted forward of the mast on the signal's stay.
On the stern of AUGUSTUS, on the first photo the Portuguese cargo liner BERNARDINO CORRÊA can be seen at distance. For other AUGUSTUS photos click here...
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. Favor não piratear. Respeite o meu trabalho / No piracy, please. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia

1 comment:

  1. The AUGUSTUS was (and is) a very beautiful ship. The same of course goes for the GIULIO CESARE. I've always thought that they would have made fine cruise ships. The same goes for many of the other old Italia Line ships of course, but these two with their modest size would probably have been ideal for the 1970s cruise market.
