Thursday, July 06, 2006


Estiveram ontem, 5 de Julho de 2006, três navios de cruzeiros em Lisboa. Como quase sempre acontece, os navios fizeram-se ao mar ao fim da tarde e por feliz coincidência, saíram todos ao mesmo tempo.

Primeiro largou o ARCADIA, com o seu perfil e cores elegantes, seguido do LEGEND OF THE SEAS e do GOLDEN PRINCESS.
Observar o canal da barra principal do Tejo, por volta das 19h00 com todos os paquetes alinhados e intercalados por dois pequenos cargueiros, eis um espectaculo que muito apreciei e fotografei. Que lindos navios...

O ARCADIA e o GOLDEN PRINCESS foram construídos em Itália enquanto o LEGEND OF THE SEAS foi construído em St. Nazaire, França.
Fotografias e texto de Luís Miguel Correia - 2006

Three cruise ships were in the port of Lisbon, yesterday 5th July 2006, and as usual they all sailed in the evening. The P&O Cruises new ARCADIA was the first to sail, showing her elegant profile and classic livery. She was soon followed by Royal Caribbean LEGEND OF THE SEAS and Princess Cruises GOLDEN PRINCESS.

I was able to observe the ships in the entrance channel to the Tagus bar at about 19h00 and it was a beautiful parade of white ships and two small nice coaster. Beautiful ships in a very nice place and perfect weather. Here they are some of the pictures...

ARCADIA and GOLDEN PRINCESS were both built by Fincantiere in Italy, while the LEGEND OF THE SEAS is a product of the French St. Nazaire yards.

Photographs and text by Luís Miguel Correia - 2006

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