Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Texto e fotografias de Luís Miguel Correia (copyright)
Text and photos copyright of Luís Miguel Correia
Gradualmente a doca de Alcântara e o cais da Rocha vão recebendo os veleiros participantes da regata Tall Ships 2006. Esta manhã o CHRISTIAN RADICH, da Noruega estava já atracado à Eclusa da Rocha, enquanto o FAN BARCELONA, da Catalunha (Espanha), manobrava para entrar na doca do Espanhol. O cais prepara-se para uma festa de navios e gente.

Tall Ships arrive in Lisbon

The sailing ships participating in the Sail Training Association TALL SHIPS RACVE 2006 are starting to arrive in Lisbon. This morning the beautiful Norwegian school ship CHRISTIAN RADICH was already alongside the inside pier at Rocha, while the FAN BARCELONA was making her way into the Alcântara dock. The Lisbon waterfront is ready for a festival of ships and sail.

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