Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The Port of Lisbon Authority signed a contract to start the building of the new Lisbon Cruise Terminal located in front of Alfama, between Terreiro do Paço square (Portuguese Navy Dock) and the Santa Apolónia cruise terminal.
When completed in 2010, the new terminal will offer 1075 meters of berthing space with -12 meters of water allowing the docking of the largest ships in service or on the planning stage.
Lisbon has been a reference cruise destination in Europe ever since Hapag started modern cruising in about 1900. In 2006 the port registered 270.000 passengers and 269 calls. At the moment Lisbon operates 3 cruise terminals, Alcântara, Rocha and Santa Apolónia, totalling 1,515 meters of berthes in -10 to -08 meters of water.
Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Thanks for your visit and comments. You are most welcome at any time - Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Interesting news!

    I take the opportunity to remind you os today's vernissage of the Art Exhibition «João Barata Art Award 2005/2006» by Rodrigo Bettencourt da Câmara (1st Prize winner), starting 6 p.m. at the Modern Art Gallery of Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes (Lisbon). More information at Atlântico Azul!!! See you there!!!

  2. I believe there is also new a passenger terminal being built in Leixões... good news!

  3. Malheiro do Vale,

    Estão a ser feitos investimentos em infraestruturas para navios de cruzeiros por todo o mundo. Em Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, o projecto PORTAS do MAR vai mudar a face da cidade e colocar os paquetes junto ao coração de PD, por exemplo...
