Monday, July 16, 2007

Porta-contentores INDUSTRIAL DREAM

Porta-contentores alemão (registado sob bandeira de Antígua e Barbuda) INDUSTRIAL DREAM (construção C233) a sair de Viana do Castelo no dia 18-04-2007 para iniciar as provas de mar.
Trata-se do sexto navio porta-contentores da mesma classe construído nos Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo por encomenda do armador alemão Jungerhans Maritime Services Co. GmbH, de Haren/Ems. Em baixo apresentamos as características dos navios da classe, segundo informação disponibilizada no sítio da internet do estaleiro de Viana do Castelo. O INDUSTRIAL DREAM foi entregue ao armador no início de Maio.


ENVC - 228-229 / 230-233
The first of six vessels of the same series intended for world-wide trade carrying bulk cargos, ISO containers and heavy loads up to 400 ton single weights.


  • Type : Multipurpose Container Vessel

  • Classification : This vessels are constructed in accordance with the Germanischer Lloyd rules.
    The class : GL + 100 A5 G, E Equiped for Carriage of Containers (SOLAS II-2, Reg. 19) + MC AUT "E"

  • Main dimensions;

    Length, o.a. : 119.80 m
    Length, P.P. : 112.00 m m
    Beam : 20.00 m
    Depth (to upper deck) : 11.30 m
    Depth (to main deck) : 8.30 m
    Draught (scantling): 7.70 m
    Deadweight : 8000 tons

  • Cargo capacity
    The cargo area is divided into 3 holds and a tween-deck prepared for the transportation of general cargo, ISO containers and heavy loads of up 400 ton single weight.

Holds capacity (grain) aprox. :

11326 m3

The free height in holds to be :

12 m

The tween-deck in N�2 hold may be located on three different height positions.

Holds ventilation will be forced assuring 6 renewals per hour of the empty hold.

Permissible loads : - tank top 15 ton/m2

- tween-deck 3.5 ton/m2

- weather deck 2.5 ton/m2

The double bottom ceiling will be provided with flush-type container fittings.

Containers capacity

In holds

214 TEU's or 104 FEU's + 6 TEU's

Over deck
(three rows)
302 TEU's or 143 FEU's + 16 TEU's

- Loaded containers

The ships with consumables for 30 days, as listed below, will carry 315 containers ISO 20 (8.5' height) of 14 tons each, considering that their centre of gravity is at 45% of their height.

Consumables for 30 days & stores :

Crew & Effects........................................... 3 tons

Provision Stores.......................................... 10 tons

Ship Stores and Spares ............................... 15 tons

Fuel Oil....................................................... 660 tons

Diesel Oil.................................................... 55 tons

L.O. Tanks................................................. 10 tons

Thermal Oil................................................. 9 tons

Fresh Water Tanks..................................... 100 tons

Number of refer plugs 80 of 12 KW capacity each, in waterproof boxes fitted on the transverse hatch coaming.

  • Hatch covers
    Weather deck pontoon type hatch covers with container sockets in trenches, in non sequential operation (five 40' section). The maximum stack load is 60 tons for ISO 20' containers and 80 t for ISO 40' containers.
    Tween-deck pontoon type hatch covers with container sockets in non sequential operation (ten 20' section). The maximum stack load is 50 tons for ISO 20' containers and 60 t for ISO 40' containers.

  • Deck cranes
    This vessels will be equipped with two electro-hydraulic cranes with the following capacities :

Crane 1 (between N�1 & 2 Hold at Portside)

Main Hoist SWL 200 tons down to 60 tons with hoisting speeds from 0-3.5 m/min (185 tons) up to 0-10 m/min (60 tons), at 20 m outreach.
Aux Hoist SWL 60 tons down to 16 tons with hoisting speeds from 0-10 m/min (60 tons) up to 30 m/min (16 tons), at 24 m outreach.

Crane 2 (between N�2 & 3 Hold at Portside)

Main Hoist SWL 200 tons down to 60 tons with hoisting speeds from 0-3.5 m/min (185 tons) up to 0-10 m/min (60 tons), at 20 m outreach.
Aux Hoist SWL 60 tons down to 16 tons with hoisting speeds from 0-10 m/min (60 tons) up to 30 m/min (16 tons), at 30 m outreach.

The cranes to be able to lift a 400 tons load (length abt 24 m, breath abt 4.4 m) from a position 5.00 m beyond P.S shipside and to place this load in N�2 Hold up to an extreme S.B. position 5.00 m off vessels centreline.

To lift heavy loads, a spreader must be used with variable points for connecting the crane tackles, with 19 m maximum distance between the crane tackles.

  • Tank capacities;

Fuel Oil (storage tanks) : 700 m3
Diesel Oil (storage tanks) : 65 m3
L.O. tanks : 65 m3
fresh water tanks : 100 m3
Sewage collecting tank : 8 m3
Ballast water tank : 4100 m3
  • Fire detection
    Will be provided one detection system covering the engine room and holds with thermal and ionic sensors located as deemed necessary and according flag and class rules. In connection with these sensors will be mounted one identification and alarm panel in the wheelhouse and alarm in the engine room.

  • Fire fighting
    Engine room
    Paint store
    Emergency diesel generator (independent system)
    FI-FI (independent system, tank + pumps)
    Engine room

  • Windlasses and after winches
    Forward will be fitted two windlasses each one with one chain lifter, mooring drum sized for full length of polyprop ropes and one warping head associated, electrically operated. The capacity to be sufficient to lift one chain and anchor from depth of 100 m at a medium speed of 9m/min. After will be fitted two electrically driven mooring winch equipped with mooring drum and with a capacity of abt. 5 tons pull.One of the mooring winches to be equipped with one addicional drum for the manoeuvring of the stern anchor (weight abt 2100 kgs).

  • Mooring devices
    Forward will be fitted one bollard for towing and other four for mooring, one towing chock in centre line, four roller fair leads and four guide rollers. After will be fitted four bollards, four roller fair leads and six guide rollers. Forward under deck will be fitted two rope basket and after will be fitted two steel pipe baskets on poop deck.

  • Crew and Accommodations
    accommodation is provided for 19 persons (4 suites, 11 single and 1 quadruple) plus one hospital with private bath.

Captain........................... 1 suite (cabin, dayroom, office and bath)

Chief Engineer............... 1 suite (cabin, dayroom, and bath)

First Mate....................... 1 suite (cabin, dayroom, and bath)

First Deck Officer........... 1 single with bath

Second Deck Officer...... 1 single with bath

First Engineer................ 1 suite (cabin, dayroom, and bath)

Second Engineer........... 1 single with bath

Appendrice.................... 2 single with bath

Electrician....................... 1 single with bath

Boatswain....................... 1 single with bath

Cook.............................. 1 single with bath

Seaman.......................... 3 single with bath

Suez Crew...................... 1 quadruple with bath
  • Speed, consumption and range
    These ships in ballast conditions with 4 m mean draught at 4500 KW with clean hull, deep and smooth waters, wind less than Beauford 3, will reach in trials the speed of 16.5 knots. The range will correspond to 30 days sailing at 85% power.

  • Main engine and generators
    These ships are powered by remote controlled marine diesel engine (MAK) of 5400 kW at 750 rpm and provided with two main diesel generators each developing 400 kW, an emergency diesel generator developing 400 kW and a shaft generator developing 700 kW output.
    All machinery is from first class makers, as are the navigation aids and radio communications equipment.

Text and images copyright L.M.Correia and Vianayard. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Meu querido LMC, com a devida autorização passarei a usar agora esta tua fotografia no meu «perfil».

    Para quem não sabe, retrata o Creoula, em Cascais e é uma das mais bonitas deste navio que vi em toda a minha Vida!!... Existe em formato de postal e foi tirada por Luís Miguel Correia, que me ofereceu pelo aniversário uma versão XXL que está na parede do meu local de trabalho. Ao menos assim estou sempre a bordo do meu querido Creoula...

  2. A foto nº 4 a contar de cima está particularmente bonita...
