Monday, January 14, 2008


The P&O Steam Navigation Company flagship CANBERRA visited Lisbon more than 120 times between 1964 and 1996, and many of those calls were recorded in negative film and or slide, including those published here from the mid eighties. One of the largest passenger ships of the world, with her 45.000 grt, she had the traditional elegance of all Harland & Wolff passenger liners, CANBERRA being the final one Belfast-built. A trend setter, many of her innovative features can still be recognized aboard the actual generation of P&O cruise ships.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Que saudades de o ver. E projectado por um jovem (26 anos) arquitecto sem experiência em paquetes, apenas em petroleiros. Nos países anglosaxónicos aposta-se na juventude, não é como cá.

    Ainda sobre os arrastões PRAIA DA COMENDA/SANTA CRUZ, foram projectados em Portugal? Pelos ENVC? Obrigado.

  2. Foram projectados cá, mas de certa forma eram cópias de projectos estrangeiros, e estes navios parece que tinham problemas de estabilidade, fenómeno frequente em projectos portugueses.

  3. Enquanto vivi nos Açores e aproveitando o emprego do meu Pai, fartei-me de ir a bordo do Canberra.
    Muito elegante, deveras bonito.
    Ainda tenho uma moeda que me atiraram para o cais.

  4. I went abord this ship in 1966. Very distinctive design. But then all P and O liners had that similar stern with open decks below the through main deck. I read somewhere with the machinery spaces right aft, and the bunkers also she had a problem with excess weight down aft? Didn't she run aground at one time. Could be wrong there.

    A fin site anyway. Thanks.
