Monday, February 09, 2009


O objecto mais sensacional do leilão FRANCE / NORWAY realizado em Paris é nada mais nada menos que esta parte da proa do famoso navio, com um preço estimado de €80.000 a €100.00. Um leilão semelhante com estas e outras peças foi efectuado anteriormente em Nova Iorque, mas não obteve o exito que os promotores esperavam.
Conheci bem o navio quer na sua fase original como FRANCE, quer como NORWAY, e sinto que esta feira / leilão dos despojos do navio é um atentado à dignidade do velho FRANCE. Por um lado cho bem que algo seja preservado, mas é um crime destruir um navio como o FRANCE.
Texto copyright L.M.Correia. Photo ARTCURIAL. For other posts and images, check our archive at the right column of the main page. Click on the photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visit and comments. Luís Miguel Correia


  1. Very beautiful. May god continue to give you the permanent enlightening that makes you able to spread so many memorabilia around. Have a nice week end

  2. I went to
    the viewing the first evening (Wednesday 7th Feb) of the 3 openings.
    Took some photos, a few of which I intend to put into a photo-folder. I found
    some lovely items. I took photos of the nose a few days before (it was exhibited
    outdoor), put them into a folder, but there was obviously a problem as it
    never came out! I will try again.

    the last 90 min of the auction, on the last afternoon, this past Monday, after

    I can say
    that they seem to have done well. Far above the catalog indicated price/

    Here are
    examples of prices for some lots pertaining to the France. (1E = 1,30 USD )

    A chest of
    drawers (in aluminium) from a cabin (one of those ubiquitous chest of
    drawers): 3000 euros (excluding of tax all prices mentioned are excluding of
    tax). Estimate 2800 E

    Piece of
    hull (about 40*60 cm) there were 3, sold at about 3400 E.e ach (estimate 600

    I didn't
    buy anything, though I wouldn't have mind getting a piece of hull! In any case,
    things were beyond my budget.

    The paper documents were very popular!

    3 1st
    class menus from April 1962 + 3 tourist class breakfast cards went for 800 E
    (estimate : 150).

    7 1st
    class menus from 1972 went for 900 E (estimate 150 E).

    technical documents were sold at a high rate too

    2 teak
    doors went for 2300 and 2600 E. (estimate 1800 E)

    A fine France reduced
    model (70 cm
    long) went for 3000 E (estimate 800E).

    Now, the NOSE
    went for 273 000 E. (inclusive of tax). It has been bought by a French
    property developer, who is planning (so says the press), to have it erect in a
    new estate, in Deauville
    (Normandie), opposite the beach. It is due to be overlooking Le Havre, its
    original hometown which is
    just opposite across the sea! In this respect, the media are quite happy about
    this outcome. Well, the major piece of the auction is remaining is France.

    mentioned the 98% of the 500 lots have been sold, for a sum of 1, 186 Million

    I'm sure
    there will be more stuff coming out from the France
    / Norway
    to be auctioned off at some stage in the future. The material for this auction
    bought from the wreckers by a French man, Jacques Dworczak, a collector and
    ship enthusiast. Now, does he have some other stuff for a future auction? There
    are surely some other major pieces that have not been destroyed, but safely put
    aside? I'm thinking of the beautiful lacquered panels of both dining rooms, for

    Letard, Paris.
