Thursday, February 18, 2010


O grupo Carnival Corporation anunciou hoje a encomenda de dois navios de cruzeiros para a sua subsidiária PRINCESS CRUISES.
Os novos paquetes vão ser construídos em Itália pelo estaleiro FINCANTIERI, terão 139.000 toneladas de arqueação bruta (GT), lotação para 3600 passageiros e serão protótipos de uma nova série. Os navios vão ser entregues nas Primaveras de 2013 e 2014.
A PRINCESS CRUISES opera actualmente 17 navios, o mais moderno dos quais é o RUBY PRINCESS, entrado ao serviço em 2008. As novas construções estiveram para ser encomendadas ao estaleiro alemão Meyer Werft, tendo acabado por o ser aos italianos.
PRINCESS CRUISES has signed a new contract for the building of two new cruise ships at the Fincantieri yards, in Italy.
The new ships will be prototypes of a new class of ships - the largest ever in the Princess fleet with 139.000 GT and 3600 Pax. This long protracted order was rumored to have gone to Meyer Werft and confirms the return of Princess Cruises to the expansion of its fleet. Their latest new ship, the RUBY PRINCESS was delivered in 2008.
Texto e imagens /Text and images copyright L.M.Correia. For other posts and images, check ourarchive at the right column of the main page. Click onthe photos to see them enlarged. Thanks for your visitand comments. Luís Miguel Correia

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