Friday, April 15, 2011


On Thursday morning, 14 April, N.R.P. ARPÃO left HDW en route to Norway. After completing recent tests, the boat will leave from there towards the Alfeite Naval Base, its new home port in Portugal. It will then be in use by the Portuguese Navy together with the NRP TRIDENTE which has arrived in July 2010 from Kiel. With the departure of yard number 384 ends for HDW the Portuguese construction program, which had started on 21.04.2004 with the signing of the contract for two boats of the Class 209PN. 
Other milestones in the life of N.R.P. ARPÃO: 

- End 2005: Start of production for yard number 384 
- 18. June 2009: christening by Dra Maria de Jesus Simões Barroso Soares 
- 22. December 2011: delivery and commissioning by the Portuguese Navy 
We wish the boat and its crew a safe journey and always the famous foot of water under the keel! 
ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems HDW (Text: Dr. Ute Arriens; Fotos: Petra Löser)
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