Monday, June 04, 2012


Greek ship owner George Petros Potamianos had a lifelong interest in cruise shipping and over the years developed a very special association to Portugal started in 1976 with the charter of the passenger ship FUNCHAL for a series of summer cruises based out of Gothenburg, Sweden.
In 1985 the FUNCHAL was purchased and an office was set up in Lisbon, from where Mr. Potamianos managed this ship under the Panamian flag. The fleet increased over the years  and in 2001 it was decided to register the three ships operated by Classic International Cruises under the Portuguese flag. 
ARION was the first ship to be reflagged, in Lisbon on 8 August 2011. 
On the first photograph Mr. G. P. Potamianos holds the flag of Panama in his left hand while the ensign of Portugal is hoisted at the stern. 
I remember Mr.Potamianos was on a very happy mood and remarked that the Portuguese flag used was too small, and that a larger one should be used in the future...
On the second photo, the ARION sails from Lisbon on 8 August 2001 on her first cruise under the Portuguese flag (Madeira registry).
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