Saturday, March 29, 2014

Swiss bulk carrier in Lisbon

It is not always that we are able to see and photograph a Swiss merchant ship in Lisbon, but on 26 March 2014 I had the chance to photograph the CHARMEY alongside the Poço do Bispo wharf being readied to start discharging a cargo of cereals.
The CHARMEY is a geared handy size bukk carrier of 34 275 TDW constructed in South Korea and delivered in December 2011 to Swiss shipping company Seamar.

The CHARMEY is managed by a famous name in Swiss shipping, the Société Swiss-Atlantique, a company formed in 1941 that developed close connections to Portugal during ww2, using Portuguese crews.
The CHARMEY arrrived in Lisbon on 22 March and berthed at Poço do Bispo Silopor Terminal at about noon on 26 March. She has ETD for 4 April.
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