Thursday, April 27, 2017


Like most sea related subjects, P&O is no longer what it used to be, following demergers, asset sales and all modern actions pursuing maximum value for share holders. 
The venerable Peninsular And Oriental Steam Navigation Company was such a proud statement of British maritime tradition that some of their ships emblazoned the bow with a Rising Sun, part of the Company's armorial bearings incorporated by Royal Charter on 31st December, 1840. 
The Sun is still displayed on the bow of the modern giant cruise ships sailing under the P&O Cruises Brand, but the sun recently spotted on the beautiful ORIANA of Hamilton, Bermuda, had a rusty mood. 
As sad as the way the ship's name is painted on the bow, in a manner that make us feel it is almost concealed... I still enjoy the P&O ships of present days, even if the livery is totally unsuited for such ships, but I really miss those splendid white and buff liners and cruise ships showing the rising sun all over the world's sea lanes. 

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