Saturday, December 07, 2019

FUNCHAL still laid up in Lisbon

The former Portuguese passenger liner and cruise ship FUNCHAL has a new registered owner since 25th October 2019: SGL Cruise Ltd., a company set up in the Madeira Islands offshore by new owners Signature Living, a company that made the winning bid at the auction held aboard FUNCHAL in December 2018. 
The payment for the ship (€3.91 million) took almost one year to be completed so the ship was delivered this past October following final payment. 
Despite news stating that the ship was going to be towed to the UK (Liverpool was her destination at one point), the fact is that the FUNCHAL remains in lay up at the old Matinha Pier under the care of the same extremely dedicated Portuguese care taking crew, and it seems the ship is being offered for sale again on the open markets.
This Wednesday 4 December the FUNCHAL looked quite and as elegant as ever, as the photos I took that evening can clearly show. Let's see what the future holds for the classic FUNCHAL.

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